Manchester Unitarians
cross street chapel
MDA head office
welcome to
manchester unitarians
Certainly, the most effective way to gain an understanding of Manchester Unitarians is to attend a worship service. If you find that you respond to the atmosphere, feel welcome and included, and also react favourably to the ideas and attitudes that are conveyed, you may discover that Unitarianism is for you. In fact, you may consequently come to realise that for a long time you have been a Unitarian without knowing it.
about us
Manchester Unitarians services can be wide ranging in belief, practice and feel, but we seek to include people from all walks of life and experiences. We often build upon a Christian-style service with hymns (our chapel is musically gifted), readings, prayers and also an address, but we draw from many traditions, seeking inspiration from different religions and philosophies. Manchester Unitarians mark the start of worship with the lighting of a chalice and additionally, people are sometimes invited to share an event of the past week that has been joyful or challenging.
We seek to provide a space where people can come as they are, while not feeling pressured to participate beyond their own level of comfort. We want to be a place where you can come, however you choose to identify. For example, we do not discriminate with regard to age, sex, sexual orientation, gender or any other identity one may hold.
scriptural studies
we proudly provide same-sex marriages!
We proudly provide same-sex marriages at Cross Street Chapel! Get in touch with us today for more information.
the chapel
There has been a chapel on this site since 1694, but the current building dates from 1997.
It may not look like a chapel on first sighting, due to the appearance of the first two floors of a modern office block. However, once inside, you will find that it offers a peaceful spiritual oasis despite being in the city centre.
The modern, circular chapel provides for varied, contemporary worship, as well as occasional music concerts and other events. It has a seating capacity of up to 170. Finally, our ground floor is wheelchair accessible, with a ramp to the left of the front steps.
Of course, you are welcome to stroll on the concourse, browse at our literature table or simply sit quietly in the chapel, in silence or listening to some music.
our minister
rev. cody coyne
Manchester Unitarians Minister, the Rev’d Cody Coyne, has been with us since 2014. Cody was born in Michigan and then attended the Unitarian-Universalist Church of Flint, along with his parents and older brother and sister.
Cody attended the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York, and while there performed with the prestigious Eastman Wind Ensemble, before graduating in 2006. Afterwards, Cody moved to Manchester in to continue his education at the Royal Northern College of Music. While there, he met his future wife Catherine, and they then began attending a Unitarian church near their home.
Cody began his ministerial training at Harris Manchester College, Oxford, in 2011 under the Rev’d Dr Arthur Stewart. While there, he studied through University of London’s International Programme, earning a Diploma in Theology. Additionally, he attended the Yad Vashem Holocaust Remembrance Centre in Jerusalem, Israel. Furthermore, he has conducted worship at the Annual General Meeting of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, and has preached throughout the Northwest.
In addition to ministry, Rev’d Coyne is passionate about music, creativity, and assisting the needy in Manchester.
get in touch

rev. cody coyne
0161 834 0019

manchester district association
everyone is welcome in our community!
reach out today for more information
07401 872137
- 2021 - Manchester District Association | All rights reserved
The Manchester District Association of Unitarian & Free Christian Churches Charity No. 503753