Styal Unitarians


norcliffe chapel

welcome to

styal unitarians

Certainly, Styal Unitarians welcome all who wish to worship with an open and enquiring mind. Our chapel’s tradition is rooted in liberal Christianity but we do not insist that everyone should have exactly the same beliefs. Today, our search for spiritual, ethical or religious “truth” may also draw on wisdom other religions, as well as philosophies and approaches to life. Our focus is on how we live our lives (deeds) rather than beliefs (creeds).

Member of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches. Additionally, we are also a member of Churches Together In Wilmslow.

about us


Overall, Styal Unitarians services of worship can be seen as a celebration of our deepest values. For example, we see our beliefs as relevant to all aspects of life; this also includes the wider community. 

We try to be welcoming and friendly, accordingly, anyone who wishes to join us at the chapel is encouraged to do so. All visitors and enquirers are made most welcome and are also invited to join us for coffee and a chat after the service.

Of course, feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

  • blessings

  • weddings

  • baptisms

  • funerals

we proudly provide same-sex marriages!

We proudly provide same-sex marriages at Norcliffe Chapel! Get in touch with us today for more information.

the chapel

In 1784 Samuel Greg founded Quarry Bank Mill, a cotton mill, at Styal. The mill was a success, but in such a rural location Greg found it necessary to provide housing for his workers, and as a result, the village grew considerably. Subsequently, institutions were established to meet the educational, social and religious needs of the villagers.

Samuel Greg funded the entirety of the new Chapel, at  a cost of £307 18s. On 22 August 1822, everyone was invited to lay a brick for the foundation of the new Chapel, before it officially opened in early 1823. Thus, Styal Unitarians was born!

The Chapel has existed since 1823, while the original Trust Deed states it is for: “The worship of God; and the furtherance of Christian life; while free from the fetters of any written and unwritten; declaration of doctrine”.

Our Minister - Len Elias

Dear Friends,


My name is Len Elias and I have recently been appointed as the Lay Minister at Norcliffe Chapel in Styal.


I was born in North Wales, but now live with my wife Sue in Hazel Grove, Stockport.


For the past five years I have been the Lay Minister at Stalybridge Unitarian Free Christian Church, and Sue has serviced as the Pastoral Care Officer at Stalybridge which is an essential function of any Church or Chapel.


I am delighted to have been given the opportunity to serve the population of Styal and the surrounding areas by joining Norcliffe Chapel.


Norcliffe Chapel has a lovely and supportive “Chapel Family” which welcomes everyone, regardless of their faith, or indeed if they do not have a faith at all, to our Sunday Services which start at 3 pm.


We also welcome well behaved dogs to all our services.


At Norcliffe Chapel no one will ever tell you what you should or should not believe as we encourage everyone to come to their own conclusions on religious matters.


I would be delighted if you decide to join us for a service any Sunday. We provide tea and coffee after the service which gives us all an opportunity to get together for conversation and fellowship.


Whatever your reason for coming, I can assure you of a very warm welcome.

get in touch


Len Elias


  • 07368 686333

Norcliffe Chapel,
(Off) Altrincham Road,
Cheshire, SK9 4JQ


John Earnshaw

Chapel Secretary


  • 07985 259883

manchester district association

everyone is welcome in our community!
reach out today for more information

07401 872137

The Manchester District Association of Unitarian & Free Christian Churches Charity No. 503753