Urmston Untarians
queen's road free church
welcome to
urmston unitarians
Queens Road Free Church of the Urmston Unitarians stands close to the town centre and is open to all who wish to worship in a spirit of free inquiry.
Although Unitarianism has its roots in Christianity and hence the teachings of Jesus, additionally, Unitarians seek to build upon the best of many religions, philosophies and approaches to life. Our worship, which is simple, includes praise to God and also a celebration of life & its wonders. We also enjoy a sharing of concerns and ideals for human life and its dignity. Overall, people are encouraged to work out their own faith with honesty, sincerity and a mutual respect for differences.
Of course, we welcome new members and visitors to Urmston Unitarians. Those who feel that they share our approach and hence would like to become more involved should contact the Minister or one of our officers. Markedly, there are no doctrinal tests or conditions, our church is open to all who wish to worship and share a religious way of life in a spirit of freedom and a mutual respect for differences.
about us
Urmston Unitarians services of worship can be viewed as a celebration of our deepest values. We see our religious beliefs as relevant to all aspects of life including the wider community.
Services consist of a sermon, music, hymn-singing, readings, prayer and meditation. We also enjoy a wide variety of perspectives from visiting speakers.
All visitors and enquirers are made most welcome at Urmston Unitarians and are invited to join us for coffee and a chat after the service.
We seek to provide a space where people can come as they are, without feeling pressured to participate beyond their own level of comfort. We want to be a place where you can come, without regard to age, sex, sexual orientation, gender or any other identity one may hold.
the chapel
The history of our building, the congregation was formed in 1894 when Urmston was transforming from a farming community into a rural retreat for Manchester businessmen by means of the railway. Ensured of a congregation, the church was built in 1900.
Our church organ was built in 1910 and was moved from its original home in Bradford, East Manchester to Urmston in 1951. Additionally, the organ underwent a considerable renovation in 1996, the work being dedicated to Robert J. Haslam, former Chairman and honorary organist at Queens Road.
our minister
rev. danny crosby
“A young woman offered to share the reading before the morning meditation group I attend the other day. Just before she began she admitted that she was feeling hesitant as she was afraid that she might stumble. I said do not worry if you stumble, we all stumble and even if you do fall we will catch you, sometimes we all fall, but we are in this together and we can all hold one another up, encourage each other to rise again and if really needed then we can pick each other up. We do not sail this ship alone.
As we sat together in silence I recalled how many times in my day I stumble, I also recalled how many times I had fallen and how often others had held and encouraged me rise up once again. I have been blessed by so much love in my life. I have known so many people who have had faith in me, even when I had none myself. How do I know this, well they have shown me so in their loving works, through their loving example, as well as through their humble human being. PAUSE.
Following the reading we sat together in silence, as we always do. As I sat there, Paul’s letter to the Corinthian’s came mind, particularly those words on Love and the three keys that he says remain “Faith, Hope and Love”. I thought to myself, are these three the key to me? I sat in the silence until somewhere in the soul of me came an answer. Yes it was three things but three slightly different ones to Paul. It came to me that the three keys are being real, living in love and doing your job. What do you think about these three? Maybe you could consider three of your own. There you go there’s some homework for this month, for those who like it.”
what's happening?
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manchester district association
everyone is welcome in our community!
reach out today for more information
07401 872137
Cross Street Chapel,
Cross Street,
M2 1NL
- 2021 - Manchester District Association | All rights reserved
The Manchester District Association of Unitarian & Free Christian Churches Charity No. 503753