Photos & Videos

photos & videos

uk unitarian tv - channel

A Sense Of Place

The NUF August Reflection, written & presented by Joan Wilkinson

Click below to visit the UKUnitarianTV Youtube channel. View videos just like this one and some that are very different – exploring topics on a wide range of issues from the basics of the unitarians to poetry, philosophy and much more.

Send A Child To Hucklow

A lecture by Rev Ernest Baker during the National Unitarian Fellowship AGM at the GAUFF Meetings, 2018

Understanding unitarians

James Barry introduces this series of films to help people understand Unitarians. In this film he talks to Rev Michael Dadson (Unitarian Minister at Macclesfield) about what makes an inclusive faith.

Anniversary Service 2018

From the GA Meetings at Staverton conducted by Rev Danny Crosby and Rev Kate Whyman

Christmas 2019

A short video from Christmas Day at the Oldham Unitarian Chapel

story time with cap'n dan

listening: making space for the other

grief: the price we pay for love

Photo Gallery

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Congregation Galleries

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manchester district association

everyone is welcome in our community!
reach out today for more information

07434 802883

Cross Street Chapel,
Cross Street,
M2 1NL

The Manchester District Association of Unitarian & Free Christian Churches Charity No. 503753