Wilmslow Unitarians


dean row chapel

welcome to

wilmslow unitarians

At Wilmslow Unitarians we offer an opportunity to worship in a unique way. You will never be told what to believe here at Dean Row, instead we prefer to leave it up to you and your own conscience to decide what is right for you.

In our congregation there is a wide spectrum of beliefs, including Liberal Christianity as well as Religious Humanism and beyond.Whilst we uphold the right to believe as we choose, we also insist that we respect each other’s beliefs.

Wilmslow Unitarians services often include readings from the Judeo-Christian scriptures but readings from Islamic or Buddhist holy texts or secular sources, for example, may also be used.

about us


Overall, Wilmslowl Unitarians services of worship can be seen as a celebration of our deepest values. For example, we see our beliefs as relevant to all aspects of life; this also includes the wider community. 

Wilmslow Unitatians try to be welcoming and friendly, accordingly, anyone who wishes to join us at the chapel is encouraged to do so. All visitors and enquirers are made most welcome and are also invited to join us for coffee and a chat after the service.

Of course, feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

  • scriptural study

  • choir

  • weddings

  • baptisms

  • funerals

we proudly provide same-sex marriages!

We proudly provide same-sex marriages at Dean Row Chapel! Get in touch with us today for more information.

the chapel

The Wilmslow Unitarians chapel was originally built in  1694 and was licensed for worship in January 1695. Originally the denomination would have been described as Presbytarian or English Presbytarian.

Following the Great Ejection of 1662, when 2000 ministers left the Church of England(they refused the ruling that the Book of Common Prayer had to be used in all acts of worship) the Five Mile Act was passed which forbade non-comformist ministers from preaching within 5 miles of an incorporated town and their former ministries. This act was only rescinded in 1812.

The chapel has the appearance of a quaint barn, presumably in an attempt to avoid undue attention to those opposed to such a place of worship!

our minister

rev. jeff gould

Rev Jeff Gould, is a native of Massachusetts in the United States of America, though he has lived in the United Kingdom since 1985. He holds both American and British nationalities. Initially, Jeff trained for a career in the performing arts, and then began his training for ministry in his undergraduate years. He then read towards a degree in Religious Studies from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. Thereafter, Jeff lived and worked in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he was involved in the life of the First Unitarian Church of San Francisco. Furthermore, Jeff served on the staff of the Church Divinity School of the Pacific (an Anglican theological college). Additionally, he lead chaplaincies in the San Francisco County Jail and San Francisco General Hospital. 

Jeff trained for the ministry of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches at Manchester College, Oxford. Subsequently, he took a degree in Theology from the University of Oxford. He served student pastorates in London, Northern Ireland as well as Taunton, Somerset. Jeff has held a variety of offices within the General Assembly at the district and national levels, and has also served congregations in Liverpool, Cheshire and Lancashire. 

Jeff has recently returned to the joint ministry of Hale Chapel, Hale Barns as well as Dean Row Chapel, Wilmslow, where he previously served from January 1999 until February 2007. His main contribution is currently made through his role as the Events Officer of the Unitarian Christian Association. Rambling, swimming, and weight-lifting keep Jeff physically active, while Jeff devotes a good deal of his time to ecumenical and inter-faith efforts. Finally, Jeff has a passion for learning languages, and uses leisure time in improving his French, German and Italian.

get in touch

Unitarian Meeting House,
Chapel Road,

Rev Jeff Gould

rev. jeff gould


  • 07989 858 963

  • 01625 402 952

  • jeffreylanegould1959@talktalk.net

chrissie wilkie


  • 0161 439 8262

  • chrissie@wilkies.me.uk

manchester district association

everyone is welcome in our community!
reach out today for more information


07401 872137

The Manchester District Association of Unitarian & Free Christian Churches Charity No. 503753