Oldham Unitarians


unitarian chapel oldham

welcome to

Oldham free Christian church

Oldham Unitarians are open to all who wish to worship God and to follow the teachings of Jesus.  Additionally, the congregation is self-governing on democratic principles and is affiliated to the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches and the Manchester District Association. 

As Unitarians, we believe in openness to all people, regardless of their belief, race, gender or any other identity. Furthermore, we strive to bridge any gaps between these identities, aiming to learn and grow with one another.

about us


Certainly, Oldham Unitarians services of worship can be seen as a celebration of our deepest values. Furthermore, we see our beliefs as relevant to all aspects of life, including the wider community.

Oldham Unitarians have many other events, for example, The One World Café Folk Club.  This club meets on the third Thursday evening of each month, from 7.30 p.m. Led by Irving Lewis, this popular folk venue offers a warm welcome to everyone, regardless of your background or belief.  Additionally, The One World Café serves as a great meeting place for a range of groups and individuals. Occasionally, Oldham Unitarians also enjoy chapel lunches and other events. 

  • weddings

  • baptisms

  • funerals

the chapel

Although founded in 1813, the present chapel was built in 1970. The chapel holds a central place in Oldham, not only as a religious meeting house but it is also home to the One World Café.

Oldham Unitarians help to support local charities, for example OSCA, the Oldham Carers in Autism.  We also support UKEFF,  The UK Education & Faith Foundation.

Finally, Oldham Unitarian Chapel & One World Centre is situated just off the King Street Roundabout in Oldham. Take the North Exit off the King Street Roundabout onto King Street A627 and then immediately left into Connaught Street.

our minister

rev. bob pounder

At Oldham Unitarians, our ministers strive to create an open and inclusive environment. Hence, we believe in encouraging the idea of living in our faith of the divine spirit of life. We do this through a commitment to social justice, through not only words, but also deeds. 

Of course, feel free to get in touch for a friendly chat if you have any questions.

get in touch

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rev. robert pounder


  • 0161 620 1810

  • bob.pounder@zen.co.uk

janis greenwood


  • 07549 014 964

  • janis.gee@hotmail.com

manchester district association

everyone is welcome in our community!
reach out today for more information


07401 872137

The Manchester District Association of Unitarian & Free Christian Churches Charity No. 503753