Aaron Breeze Farewell Concert – Live on Youtube

Aaron Breeze Farewell Concert

Dear MDA News,

Sadly for us, our Sunday Musician, Aaron Breeze, will be leaving the UK for an excellent music post in Linz, Austria, next month. We have enjoyed his musical creativity, and are grateful for his contributions to our community. We wish the best for Aaron in his new adventure, and look forward to watching his music continue to enrich people’s lives.

As a farewell, Aaron has recorded a concert, which will feature live on our YouTube channel tomorrow (the 29th) at 7:30pm. You can access the video by clicking here (CrossStChapel.org.uk/BOSF).

Please find below a promotional poster and more information about the concert. Please do share the attached poster far and wide!

In the spirit of our Friday lunchtime recitals, you can make donations at tinyurl.com/BOSFdonate. When donating, please comment with #BOSF, so we can acknowledge the generous contributions our musicians provide.

Peace and blessings,
