Hindu Connection – Introduction to the Bhagwad Gita Dear All You are invited to our new monthly Unitarian – Hindu Connection – Introduction to the Bhagwad Gita We look forward to your attendance. Best wishes Indra 07952 569097 Unitarian – Hindu Connections
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Climate Change at Cross Street Chapel
Climate Change at Cross Street Chapel Dear MDA, Many Unitarians are deeply concerned about the Climate Emergency.As evidence and consequences mount up, the need to respond grows more urgent. This is often coupled with a dispiriting sense of overwhelm, that we are too late in tackling this issue. The gravity and enormity has been captured […]
Hindu Connections – Prof. Nawal K Prinja
Hindu Connections – Prof. Nawal K Prinja Professor Nawal K Prinja is a Technology Director of a leading nuclear engineering company and is honorary professor in four British universities. He sits on a number of international scientific committees and was appointed as advisor to the Ministry of Defence for nuclear submarines and to the Department […]
Icon Exhibition Liverpool
Icon Exhibition, Liverpool The British Association of Iconographers are holding an exhibition from Friday 29th September to Sunday 1st October in Our Lady and St Nicholas’ Church (Liverpool Parish Church, near the Liver building). Leading British iconographer Aidan Hart is giving a talk one day (I think Sunday but I can’t remember). Entrance is free and […]
ACCG Newsletter
ACCG Newsletter click to view
Unitarians of the LDPA & Citizens UK Meeting
Unitariands of the LDPA & Citizens UK Meeting Hi all, I hope all is well with you. I am Rev. Julio Torres, Minister at Lewisham Unity. I also participate in New Unity’s social justice activities as a former Member and Trustee. I am sending a mass notification to inform you of a meeting being […]
Jewish Heritage Trail Walk
Jewish Heritage Trail Walk – 10th September Dear friends, Manchester CCJ would like to invite you to a MANCHESTER’S JEWISH HERITAGE TRAIL WALK on the afternoon of Sunday 10th September. See below and the attached flyer for more information. Register early to avoid disappointment! There are only 20 places available. First come, first served! Best wishes,FrancescaFrancesca […]
Move With Deep Flow – Factory International
Move With Deep Flow – Factory International Hi, I hope all is well. My name is Maya- I work in the Creative Engagement Team at Factory International and would like to introduce the project that I am working on: Deep Flow project which has an exciting opportunity for local residents (please see the flyer attached). […]
Manchester Pride 2023
Manchester Pride 2023 Every year Manchester Unitarians show their support for the LGBTQ+ community by marching in Pride. We are especially excited that this year we are marking a full decade of marriage equality! If you haven’t joined us before, this an exceptional event full of joy, laughter and celebration. Marching through the streets of […]
After 210 Years, Oldham Unitarian Chapel is no More
After 210 Years, Oldham Unitarian Chapel is No More After 210 years, Unitarian Chapel Oldham has changed its name and is now just Oldham Chapel. The chapel remains affiliated to the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches. Minister, the Rev Bob Pounder, said: “We now see ourselves falling within the Free Christian category of […]