Bob Pounder – Minister’s Message

bob pounder - january minister's message

Minister’s Message
Dear Friends,
Happy New Year! I suppose that if we were to compile a chapel journal it would consist of the written monthly messages I send out and the emails usually headed ‘Chapel Update’ Additionally would be other letters, the records of decisions we have made and even the Sunday services that have hopefully influenced our spiritual lives over the year. There’s quite a lot that goes on in the life of this chapel, week after week month after month. 
Significantly, this year we made the decision to become simply, a Christian chapel. We are no longer Unitarian. Our reasons for this decision have been made quite clear and expressed in previous monthly messages. I’m not going to dwell on them now. Suffice to say our theology is now Biblically based. This year, 2023, we will carry on with that transition, by informing the charity commission and making other administrative changes. However, we have no plans to leave the General Assembly of Unitarian & Free Christian Churches since we now find our niche in the latter and not in the former category of that title.
Since we have clearly re-defined our identity as a church, the question that is most appropriate at the threshold of 2023 is to ask where do we go from here? One of my stock sayings, when faced with such questions is to say, ‘If you want to make God laugh, tell him what your plans are.’ We are blessed because our chapel building has a busy and vibrant life. We are blessed because we have a congregation that is warm and welcoming. Oldham Chapel is a significant town centre church.

This is not to say that we won’t make plans for the next twelve months, of course we will. More importantly however, we will live in faith. Faith that whatever God’s plans are for the future, that all things are in accordance with his will. Our task is to trust in him, and to praise and glorify his name through Jesus Christ our Lord. This is our mission.

Have a great 2023

My best wishes as always.
