Chorlton Gatherings – 15/08

Chorlton Gatherings - 15/08

Dear Friends
Here are the details of our gatherings this week.
Tuesday 16th August 7.30 – 8.15 pm: Love Letter to the Earth Meditation on Zoom
Join the Unitarian Transformers for a meditation and mindfulness practice, based on extracts from Thich Nhat Hanh’s book, Love Letter to the Earth —an intimate conversation—a living dialogue—with Mother Earth and a practice of looking deeply to bring insight. Led by Laura Dobson. No previous experience of meditation required. All welcome.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 942 2364 8779

Passcode: 3c9Pb1

Thursday 18th August 7 – 8.15 pm: Heart and Soul on Zoom
Heart and Soul is a contemplative spiritual gathering in which you can take time to reflect on life in the company of others. Each session follows a regular pattern, including readings and music, time for guided prayers of gratitude, compassion for others, self-reflection, and silent meditation. Led by Laura Dobson. All welcome. 
This week’s theme is ‘Noticing Beauty.’
‘It’s the beauty within us that makes it possible for us to recognize the beauty around us.’ — Joan Chittister
Join Zoom Meeting
Passcode: 101861
Sunday 21st August 10:30 – 11:30 am: Sunday Gathering in the church 
This service led by Tom follows a marginal note left by an Irish scribe in a ninth-century manuscript. It simply reads: “Pleasant to me is the glittering of the sun upon these margins because it flickers so”.
The Psalmist observes that ‘this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it’. Please join us as we lift up our hearts in praise.
We will continue to open the windows to ensure good ventilation and will continue our sanitising routine in the church, including asking you to continue sanitising the toilets after use, please. Wearing a face covering in a crowded and enclosed space is suggested by the government, however, this is at your own discretion.
We look forward to seeing you.
A reminder of our bank account details if you are able to make a donation:
Sort code: 40 11 56     
Account number: 40716286
Bank: HSBC 
Account name: Chorlton Unitarian Church
Linda Paris
Chorlton Unitarian Church