Lancashire Collaborative Ministry Spring Service
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lancashire collaborative ministry - spring service
On behalf of the Lancashire Collaborative Ministry, which comprises the Unitarian churches in Chorley, Padiham, and Rawtenstall, I am delighted to invite you and the members of your congregation to a special Spring Jamboree Service, to be held, by Zoom, on Saturday, April 17th, 2021, at 7 p.m.
We will be inviting several congregations to join us, especially those in North Lancashire, and we sincerely hope that you will all be able to join us. The service will be conducted by the LCM’s Lead Minister, Rev’d Shannon Ledbetter, and will be light-hearted in its approach, with favourite hymns, humorous readings, and special music; if you wish to make a contribution, please contact Shannon by email ( with your suggestions. We wanted to provide a little light relief from the seriousness of lockdown as, hopefully, we begin to emerge from all the restrictions that have beset us, into the joys of Spring. All are welcome to join us, so why not come along?
I shall be present in my capacity as the LCM’s Secretary, but also as The General Assembly Vice-President; I feel that it is important for all of us, as the first anniversary of lockdown passes, to come together as one community of friends and fellow-Unitarians.
The joining-details follow this message. I send you my warmest wishes, and will look forward to “seeing” you all..
I hope everybody is staying safe and well, and that as many of us as possible have already received at least one Covid jab.
Best wishes,
Topic: Spring Jamboree – A LCM Service
Time: Apr 17, 2021 07:00 PM London
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