Manchester CCJ Event 28/4
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Special Manchester Council of Christians & Jews event 28/4
Dear friends,
May I invite you to a special meeting of Manchester Council of Christians and Jews at 5.30 p.m. on Wednesday 28th April, by Zoom. Details on the flyer attached.
We are going to examine the Church of England’s current document surveying Christian-Jewish relations, “God’s Unfailing Word”, with input from Jerusalem (which is why we are meeting at 5.30).
Our speakers will be:
· Rt Revd Michael Ipgrave, the Bishop of Lichfield. He chaired the group of people who wrote “God’s Unfailing Word”. He is also chair of the Board of Trustees for CCJ.
· Rabbi David Rosen, the International Director of Interreligious Affairs of the American Jewish Committee and Director of its Heilbrunn Institute for International Interreligious Understanding. Based in Jerusalem, he is a member of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel’s Commission for Interreligious Dialogue
· Sister Teresa Brittain, a member of the Roman Catholic Religious Congregation of Our Lady of Sion, and a Trustee of CCJ. Based in Manchester, she has travelled to support many projects of Christian-Jewish engagement in all the continents of the world.
The Church of England has, for the first time, put into one document how it relates to the Jewish community. Without Judaism, there would be no Christianity. Yet Christians have been responsible for much of the world’s anti-Judaism over the centuries. “God’s Unfailing Word” tells the story and offers a way forward for Christians today to engage positively with their Jewish neighbours. There are sections on how the church should speak, act and live – with chapters on mission, teaching, the land of Israel and shared ethics.
Numbers for this event are limited. To book a place, please drop a line to our Secretary, Francesca Frazer-Davies, at
The Link will be sent out 24 hours before the event.
Warm regards,
Steve Williams,
Manchester CCJ
07757 411 377