Together in Meditation – Online Meditation Circle

Together in Meditation - Online Meditation Circle

Dear friends,  

It is my pleasure to invite you to a new meditation circle, open to the whole Unitarian community and beyond. Please come along and bring others from your congregation. 

Together in Meditation starts next week, Thursday 22nd September 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start.  

Together in Meditation is a new, national, online group for Unitarians and friends to practice meditation together in a supportive environment. It is open to everyone, and we hope that those with no experience of meditation can join alongside those with an established practice. The group will be an open, loving, and inclusive space for us all to find tranquillity and insight together. We aim to provide basic instruction in simple and well-established meditation methods and offer formal guided practices in which to try them out, including around 20 minutes of silence. At the end of the session, there will be a chance to stay for reflection and mutual support as we deepen our practice together. In keeping with the Unitarian ethos, the session will not be orientated to any particular religious, spiritual, or psychological system, though it will freely draw on the wisdom and methods of many different traditions.  

The sessions will be facilitated by Rev. Sheena Gabriel and Rob Oulton who have held weekly meditations for Godalming Unitarians for the past 13 years. They will be joined by Richard Bober from The Meditational Fellowship and Lizzie Kingston Harrison, Congregational Connections Lead for the GA. Please contact Lizzie if you would like more information. 

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 874 4505 5226
Passcode: 949149

With warm wishes and thanks for sharing widely,

Lizzie Kingston Harrison 

Congregational Connections Lead