Dear friends
Please see below details of our gatherings this week
Much love and many blessings
Monday 22nd May 12:30 – 2 pm: Inspiring Unitarians Engagement Group in the church
Join us to explore and celebrate our Unitarian heritage through the stories of inspiring Unitarians through the centuries. In this meeting, we will engage with the inspirational stories of pioneer feminist writers Mary Wollstonecraft and Anna Laetitia Barbauld. Led by Laura Dobson. All welcome.
Tuesday 23rd May 10:30 am: Chorlton Breakfast Club
Join Martin in the Sedge Lynn Wetherspoons, Chorlton, for tea/coffee/snacks and an informal social meeting. All welcome.
Tuesday 23rd May 7.30 – 8.15 pm: Meditation on Zoom
Join the Unitarian Transformers to meditate with the beautiful poetry and music of Hildegard von Bingen, as we journey through the elements with her. This week’s meditation will focus on the element of fire. No previous experience of meditation required. Led by Laura Dobson. All welcome.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 942 2364 8779
Passcode: 3c9Pb1
Wednesday 24th May 12:30 – 12:45 pm: Midweek Stillness on Zoom
Join the Unitarian Transformers for a fifteen-minute period of shared stillness to be in community, gathered in prayer and reflection. Led by Mark Hutchinson. All welcome.
Gratitude: offering thanks
Knowing: self-reflection
Listening: with our own still small voice
Loving: offering love to the world
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 942 2364 8779
Passcode: 3c9Pb1
Wednesday 24th May 7 – 8 pm: Eco-spirituality Connections on Zoom
Join the Unitarian Transformers to reflect on Unitarians for Climate Justice at XR’s ‘The Big One’ and explore spiritual activism more broadly. Led by Mark Hutchinson and Laura Dobson. All welcome.
Sunday 28th May 10.30 – 11.30 am: Sunday Gathering in the church
The Tides of the Spirit – join us for reflections on Pentecost / Whit Sunday, led by Laura Dobson. All welcome.
“The God of our life is ever at hand, but not to be called by our proud command;
The tides of the spirit have their ebb and flow, and we must be patient and move as they go.” Bruce Findlow
Reverend Laura Dobson
Minister, Chorlton Unitarians and Unitarian Transformers
Tel: 07445 202415