Bob Pounder – Minister’s Message
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bob pounder - minister's message
Minister’s Message
May 2023
Dear Friend,
‘Not by works so that no man can boast,’ wrote Paul in his Letter to the Ephesians. Here in these words of Paul is really the heart of the Gospel message. It’s highly relevant today when we consider the spiritual quest. Human beings do have a spiritual impulse and the world responds by offering a myriad of approaches to exploring the question of God, enlightenment, and personal transformation. It’s not unusual that this quest has often led to seekers believing that enlightenment, or discovering the ultimate truth can be found through altered states of consciousness or through taking mind altering drugs. From there has sometimes come to consider and to desire to inhabit that state of altered consciousness as an enlightened, permanent state of mind. At the heart of all this is self-will, where the self is given this elevated status, where one is given every encouragement to find a faith or a belief that is just right for you. Hence you can build your own theology. There’s even a book, and a course that once went by this title, ‘Build Your Own Theology.’ It sounds very attractive, after all when the individual self is considered paramount and supreme, it is often the message that self-centred people wish to hear. One’s religious views under these circumstances simply become a reflection of the ego. In other words, our own salvation merely becomes what we see as a result of our own efforts. But Paul said, ‘Not by works so no man can boast.’
Other works include ‘do gooding’ but the Kingdom of God is reserved for the righteous, not for the do-gooders. The kingdom of God is not reserved for those who think that by stacking up good deeds and charitable works that they can cash in their good deed credits and obtain admission. And it’s not even possible to enter the Kingdom of Heaven just by following all the rules as the rich young man discovered when Jesus told him instead, to sell all he had, give it to the poor and ‘follow me.’
Yet, all things are possible with God. The fact is that we cannot save ourselves, as Paul said, ‘Not by works so no man can boast.’ In the face of God’s perfect holiness, like the tax collector in the temple, we can only cry, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’
Thus, our understanding of Paul’s message, is that we are not saved by our own vain efforts but by God’s grace, by the recognition that we all fall short of the glory of God and, that right at the start of the Gospel message we are called to repent as John the Baptist preached a message of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Paul said, ‘I have declared to both Jews and Greek that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus.’
It’s the only way.
My best wishes as always,